We both know relationships are two way and with bunnies it's just the same. Hoping this helps to answer the many questions from year's of experience I receive most commonly!
One bunny or a pair? Other pet friendly? Indoor only or outdoors? Diet and allergies? Kid friendly? Maintenance workload?
Cutest Bunnies love love love to socialize as they have been interacting with humans at a very early age! They love socializing with other bunnies as most Cutest Bunnies are raised with siblings. Socializing with your bunny daily as you watch a movie, relax and cuddle! Remember to share the cuteness with pics and video clips of your Cutest Bunny! Bunnies love being in pairs and enjoy the companionship of another bunny! We recommend spaying or neutering if you are getting a bunny pair to reduce the risk of one bunny being territorial over the other once their hormones come into play. We have Cutest Bunnies that live as the only bunny and with lots of human interaction do wonderfully!
Indoors vs Outdoors consistent temperatures preferred without exposure to our chilly winter's as we are dwarf
We are dwarf bunnies so primarily indoors is typical as we require positive temperature's and Ontario's winter is very cold. They love hops outside with supervision or a secure play space.
Some of our furrever homes travel with the bunnies to cottages, out of country and locally both indoors and outdoors.
Warmer Weather Bunny Safety:
With warm summers check to make sure your habitat or bunny cage is not directly near an air conditioning vent or a window with direct sunlight to help the bunny better regulate their temperature.
When outside for hops limit direct sun exposure without shade or shelter to avoid over heating, especially for bunnies that are dark black otter in colour.
Main diet is water, rabbit pellets and hay. Please consider in advance of becoming a furrever home if you or people in your home have allergies to a bunnies diet and bedding requirements.
Water Highly recommend a water dish, rather than a water bottle as we have experienced issues with Custest Bunnies not having enough suction power to get the water they need due in the event of nozzle malfunctions
Rabbit pellets Rabbit pellets primary ingredient is Timothy grass meal
Typical other ingredients in rabbit pellets are: Soybean Hulls, Wheat Middlings, Soybean Meal, Cane Molasses
Brands: Oxbow Essentials and Rolling Acres
Note: Choose the pellets without the coloured pieces that are added in some small pet foods for Guinea pigs
Hay Preferably Timothy hay that contains more grass than Alfalfa hay which is higher in protein)
Treats/ Fruit and Vegetables Cutest Bunnies often enjoy vegetables that are low in sugar, only after they are three months old and their tummies can better digest the sugars.
Click for a list of suitable veggies and fruits we recommend. Note: fruit is high in sugar and should be given as a special treat only.
Bedding Wood or alternative paper-based shavings are commonly used to line the entire bottom of the cage and the litter box.
Over the year's our Cutest Bunnies have had the privilege of spreading love, cuddles and education to children at daycare, schools, parties and events with active adult supervision and involvement. Having a young daughter and many family/ friend children visit our bunnies are exposed to children at a young age. We have had many of our Cutest Bunnies live in furrever homes with children and have seen them form a very special bond.
We have received so many incredible photos of kids with their bunnies on the couch cuddling, going for hops, learning to care for their needs; however for the children's privacy we refrain from sharing these photos (even though it is soo hard because they are cuteness overload).
It is verryyy important to remember that with dwarf bunnies are very petite ranging from approximately 1-4lbs. Active adult supervision and education on how to care for the Cutest Bunnies is essential for success. With smaller young kids please pay a special attention as they learn their strength and balance that both the bunny and little one are safe.

Maintenance and Care General
We have had the opportunity to grow up and be responsible for horses, dogs, exotic cats, snakes, guinea pigs, fish and of course bunnies! We personally find owning a bunny or pair of bunnies maintenance and care is more easily manageable to our work schedules, conducive to condo living, easier ability to lift and clean (especially when pregnant with a bad back) compared to horses, exotic cats and dogs.
The purpose of this section is to highlight maintenance and does not account for the hours of love, bonding, play, cuddles and companionship a bunny looks forward to (or a rabbitry).
Weekly cage cleaning and more regular litter cleaning depending on your habitat setup for your Cutest Bunny. Avoid using harmful or strong chemicals but rather use water and vinegar for cleaning.
Feeding fresh hay daily (a large handful a day per bunny, using a hay net may assist)
Refill fresh pellets when low (we don't find our Cutest Bunnies over eat especially in the younger years)
Clean and refill water when it is low in a dish (prefer dish over water bottle due to the suction in the nozzles often malfunctioning, especially in humid climates)
Fresh green's as a treat
Grooming is required especially for longer fur netherland dwarf and lionhead Cutest Bunnies
Choose at 3 month's to clip nail's
Veterinary Care due to their low weight does not safely allow for vaccinations/ dewormer
Cutest Bunnies does not offer any professional veterinary medical advice, but rather based on our many years of experience. We recommend to contact a veterinary, allergy specialist or medical professional for advice from qualified experts.